No no yes yes, yes yes no no, and dirty pool
Another election is coming up next week, and it is the season for negative political ads.
In Edmond, there's the "No no yes yes" folks, and the "Yes yes no no" folks. Confused? So are the people who live in Edmond who have to vote on this issue next week.
It has something to do with keeping a park a park, or building a shopping center nearby. I think.
Yes, I am among the confused.
The one political ad that pisses me the most is the one against a man who is running for a state senate seat. The candidate in question was a public defender. Now, if you know anything about public defenders, they are told who to represent, often pro bono. So this ad says that the candidate has represented a prostitute, a drug dealer, and a rapist. And because he has represented the dregs of the earth in court, the people who paid for this ad says he can't represent "us".
"Us" doesn't include me. No one asked me what I thought. Perhaps the candidate will make a good choice. I may even vote for him, just for spite's sake.
And the so-and-so did this, and didn't do that ads that are run by so-and-so's opponent are just stupid. Or so-and-so is (fill in the blank here), and I, Mr./Ms. Opponent, am a better choice because (again, fill in the blank here).
Oh, shut up!
Once I get into that voting booth, it's my business who I vote for and why I voted for them. Don't even try to talk to me after I leave the polling place (as some dipwad tried to do during the Presidential election), cuz I'm not going to tell you a damn thing.
Go out and vote on November 7th, because if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain about the results.
End Rant.
That's all from where I sit.
Labels: municipal overkill, Poly-Ticks, so there, Stef's rants