
Monday, October 23, 2006

A "small" fire requires 5 fire trucks?!

....and other observations.

Jeff and I went to WalMart near Mom's house, just to get milk, and we were there all of 2 minutes when there was this announcement that the store needed to be evacuated.

As we were leaving, the fire fighters were already unrolling the hoses and headed towards where there was smoke.

We stuck around for a bit, and I asked a cop what was going on, and he said it was a small fire inside the store. Well, duh!

People were taking pictures with camera phones, and I was wishing I still had my Motorola phone with Channel 4's news tips line in the address book. I had to give that one up when I went to Wyoming because of the different "technology". Tracfone now offers a camera phone for like $60, and I think I will get one when my financial situation improves.

It seems a lot of stuff goes down in MWC, and maybe a camera phone will come in handy.

But why, pray tell, did it take five Edmond fire trucks for a small fire?

Someone got a new work computer (at last!). I'm almost jealous.

The days of my sitting around like a lump have to end. Nothing gets accomplished that way.

And... those individual packets of Hamburger Helper you can get now-- the ones where all you have to do is add water-- there is hamburger in them, but it's a joke. You almost have to look for them!

If you live in Edmond, it's Yes Yes No No. Think of Beethoven's 5th symphony. Works for me!

That's all from where I sit.


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