I canNOT believe this guy!
finding work is one big joke! We went round and round about the child
support issue too, but it's the comments he made on my inability to
generate an income that pissed me off the most. He even offered to pay
my way to bartending school --he can't pay child support, but he can
pay my way to a vocational school? Something in the water does not
Jon (12:48:20 PM): it is unreasonable that you cannot create an income
Stef(12:49:04 PM): create an income from what? there are NO JOBS HERE
FOR ME! I have been actively looking for work the entire time I've
been here.
Jon (12:50:02 PM): good you will find one
Stef(12:50:11 PM): you seem to have forgotten what not being able to
find work is like
Jon (12:50:26 PM): i havent forgotten
Stef (12:51:05 PM): so you know what a frustrating time i've been
having here. so how dare you suggest that I am not trying hard enough
Stef (12:51:40 PM): i seem to remember trying to support both of us on
my pay from [my former job in Norfolk, Virginia]
Jon (12:51:52 PM): i dont suggest that but it is unreasonable that
there is no income for you
Stef(12:54:16 PM): it's not unreasonable that there is no work here. a
lot of the customer service jobs I do are being outsourced to places
like India.I know this because I've talked to quite a few of these
people on the phone every day! They do collections, call center work,
customer service. so what's left for ME?
Jon (12:55:23 PM): you could probably telemarket better than i can. i
crashed and burned after 2 days at that
Stef (12:56:42 PM): telemarketing? surely you jest? you hear of the
"do not call" list that went into effect last year? Even telemarketers
are out of work!
Jon (12:57:39 PM): computers generate numbers that are not on the do
not call list
Jon (12:58:41 PM): hey! bartend in oklahoma
Stef (12:58:42 PM): computers are only as good as the humans who
program them. some numbers do slip thru that are on the do not call
Jon (12:59:23 PM): if u can get into a certification class i'll send
you that money to get in
Jon (12:59:39 PM): ok 4get telemktg
Jon(1:00:06 PM): i hear storm chasing is all the rage in oklahoma
Jon (1:00:57 PM): it might pay your way to study meteorology
Jon (1:01:36 PM): and the exercise will help u lose wgt (Stef--I told him to go fuck himself)
Stef (1:02:09 PM): i don't want to be in fucking oklahoma anymore! I
don't want to study meterology. I don't want to put myself in the path
of a tornado. I know what damage they do to things around here. they
fucking kill people!
Jon (1:04:06 PM): i could see you on-camera...
Stef(1:04:07 PM): look i can't talk to you anymore. you think my being
unable to find work is a joke, and your attempts at humor are
beginning to piss me off.
Jon (1:05:04 PM): ok sorry no i dont but i did think of some ideas
Jon (1:05:25 PM): and my offer still stands to pay ur way into a
bartending class (Stef-- but you have to be made to pay child
Stef (1:05:26 PM): none that i can use. good bye