
Sunday, December 04, 2005

HS basketball, new sweater, Marc's birthday, and whatever else I can squeeze in here

Friday, I did the Del City High basketball broadcast. I actually went to the game and did a little color commentary in the fourth quarter. I probably sounded like a total dweeb, but the main thing is, that I did it. I even kinda liked it, and I'll do it again.

After basketball, Vincent and I went out to eat at Chili's. He's taking his final tomorrow, so he was planning to study all weekend. We talked about all kinds of stuff, and I didn't get home until nearly one in the morning, which didn't thrill Mom too much.

Saturday, I went major league food shopping with Mom, and bought a sweater coat while I was at it. It's a really pretty color, cranberry, and it looks pretty good. The blazer I was planning to get didn't look as good on me as it did on the hanger. The sweater was a good compromise.

This evening, Marc decided to go to Olive Garden for his family birthday dinner, which kinda caught Daniel off guard. Daniel is the one who usually picks Olive Garden for his birthday dinner place. I can't see us going to Olive Garden twice in a ten day span. We'll see what happens when we get closer to Dainels birthday on the 14th.

I still haven't gotten the battery in the van replaced. The transportation check I got the other day was not enough to pay for it, so I will have to find some other way to get that chore done. I'm sure I can't jump it every time I turn around indefinitely.

I've reposted my ad on I wonder if I'll get any more responses. Something has to come of all this mailing out and answering email responding soon.

I think I will schedule an air show for myself this week. I'll talk to Larry about that tomorrow.

(Hey you! You still "peeking"? Leave me a comment. Just click on "what say you?")

And that's all from where I sit.
