
Monday, November 22, 2004

Scooby doo, where are you?

or should that be DOCTOR Scooby Doo, because I've got a mystery illness.

I don't know what the heck I've got. All I know is that it makes me feel cruddy. This is on top of all the other things I've got (FMS, RA and all their attendant symptoms).

We had Joey over here again today. He definitely goes thru some separation anxiety when his mother drops him off (or on Saturday when Dean dropped him off here). On top of all this, he's got a cold, so on top of his thinking that mommy and/or daddy is never coming back, he's full of temper tantrums and crying and sitting right by the door, waiting for, today, Tori to come back from her dental appointment.

I picked him up and told him that every time Mommy leaves him with Nonni and Auntie Stefie, Mommy always comes back. That seemed to calm him down, and he spent most of the time he was at the house playing with his ball, or stealing Pinky's toys, or tearing even more pages out of Nonni's books.

Tomorrow, Mom and I are going to the younger boys and Amalia's school for "Grandparents Day". Since it's usually more than grandparents who show up, it really should be called "Family Day", but, then, no one asked me.

I just hope I sleep well tonight. Last night was a disaster. I slept maybe 4 hours.
