
Tuesday, June 17, 2003

There's too much freakin' tension around here...!

OR, money and the lack thereof...

I need to find a part time job, because the money situation around here is becoming unbearable. Mom is having a lot of trouble making her bills, and she gets moody about it. She and Daniel got into a shouting match today about the car. The car insurance is due on Thursday, and Mom can't pay it, so we won't be able to drive the car until the insurance gets paid. Daniel argued that he needs to drive to job interviews and to apply for jobs, but Mom said no, that after Thursday we can't drive.

This all depresses me to no end, and I can't handle it. I have to get out of here, but with no money, I don't know how I am going to manage that minor miracle.

So, I need to find a job, even though I am in a lot of pain some days and can't work a full time job.

This really does. I feel so powerless.

I have to get out of here. I can't take the stress.

More laterz--