
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Know why Einstein's hair looks the way it does?

Because grey hair is whacked out hair!

Ever since I decided to NOT dye my hair anymore, I have discovered this rather disturbing fact. My grey hair is OUTTA CONTROL!!!!! I cannot tame it to save my soul, short of buzzing it all off, Britney Spears style (and I'm too chicken to do that).

It frizzes, flies all over, sticks out... I look like I stuck my finger in a light socket.

And I never could have guessed I had so MUCH of it! Damn, that's depressing.

My brown hair, which thank God I still have plenty of, is very fine. The grey hair that replaces it is a different texture. I think it's actually wavy (I was going to say kinky, but that would give the wrong impression, since that word doesn't seem to apply to hair these days).

And old Albert aside, why do men look so much better with grey hair? Is it because they're getting it cut so often? Is it their shampoo, hair dryer, or goop they put it in to keep it in place?

How can I learn to do that?

I do need a haircut though.

and why does YOUR hair look so good?

That's all from where I sit.

