
Thursday, April 07, 2005

People driving and talking on cell phones really frost my ass

I was driving to school this afternoon and I got stuck behind this woman who was doing, get this, 50 on the interstate! She's just yapping away and she's going to make me late for class because the people at Sonic were too frigging slow and I got a late start.

So here I am, in the fast lane on I-235 about to merge onto I-40 and this woman keeps on talking on her phone. Finally, just as I was about to get on the offramp to I-40, she changes lanes and continues on I-235 while I get my ass onto I-40.

Once I get off I-40 onto Sunnylane, someone in a big white Lincoln gets into my lane with all the speed of a turtle. I have to break hard to avoid hitting her. I change lanes and the elderly driver is, you guessed it, talking on a cell phone!

Somehow, I still manage to get to school with 2 minutes to spare.

Isn't talking on the phone and driving illegal? If not, it sure as hell should be! I don't talk to anyone on my cell while I'm driving. It's not safe, IMHO. I have Saon to thank for that bit of wisdom.

But what do I know? Some people think that nothing bad will happen to them. I used to think that too, then I got smart and realized that I am responsible for me and my actions. It just takes one accident to change a life forever. Then again, my last big accident was in 1988 when cell phones were as big as a shoebox and expensive as hell, so you know I didn't have one. And it was the other guy's fault anyway.

I gotta get to bed. I'm not even going to try and stay up for the Pope's funeral. It comes on at 3am for cryin out loud! Besides, it'll be on TV all day long tomorrow anyways.

That's all from where I sit.
