
Friday, July 23, 2004

"but it's true love..."

Memo to Britney: True love my ass! -- Everyone's trying to get this ding dong to have her fiance sign a prenup, but she won't do it because she believes it's "true love". More like "True Lies"...what does she really know about this guy? She's known him something like three months, and she's going to put her personal fortune on the line for this clown?

Let's break it down this way, Britney: I have NOTHING, but if I were to get married again, I'd have my fiance sign a pre nuptial agreement. That way, if one or both of us were to become successful, and we were to divorce, each party could only leave with whatever assets we had when we entered into the marriage (which, as I have stated above, is NOTHING!). You have millions of dollars. He has nothing significant. If there is no prenup, he gets a hefty chunk of your fortune if you were to divorce. With a prenup, he can only have what he came into the marriage with.

But, as you say, it's "true love". Live and learn girly-girl. Don't say you weren't warned.

"Jack Russell"?-- how in the hell did someone find this site by typing in "Jack Russell"? Were they looking for the dog breed known as a Jack Russell Terrier, or the lead singer of the band Great White? If it's the former, see the post titled "The Fourth at the Nervous Dog Cafe"; if it's the latter, keep looking.

Who the hell is Cathey Tawny?-- and why is she using my email address? I've had more problems with people somehow getting my email address, attaching some fake name to it, and sending out ads for porn sites and male enhancement products. I thought I was past that (especially when a lot of them came back as undeliverable).

Desperate hours-- Hmm, seems to me that a certain candidate for the highest office in the land is getting so desperate, that he's running negative ads and slinging mud at every opportunity. And, it seems to me that a certain candidate for a soon to be vacant Senate seat in Oklahoma is so far behind in the polls that he's reneged on a promise to run a clean campaign. He couldn't be bothered to be interviewed by a local station as to his position on certain issues. (*cough*Kirk*cough*is*cough*a*cough*jerk*cough*). Results my ass!

Speaking of jerks-- Al Franken is making a big deal of beating Bill O'Reilly in the radio ratings. If people want to listen to this former writer for SNL pretend to be a political pundit and believe all the half truths and other garbage he spews on his show, then don't complain when you finally realize that you've been led down the proverbial garden path. It's just like him to toot his own horn. I'll take O'Reilly, with his 30+ years of reporting experience,  mega sucessful radio and tv shows and his honesty, any day of the week (including Saturday and Sunday).

If this crap keeps up-- I'll vote for Eskimo Joe and Buffy come November.
