
Thursday, July 24, 2003

They put the "dys" in "dysfunctional"

I can't help but make this comment in audio-observation of Saon's family. I would love to be a fly on the wall when the talk in Saon's cousin's house gets intense.

"Fuck you" (and its derivatives) seem to be the prevalent phrase used in conversation. And it's (God forgive me for even typing this) "niggah" this and "niggah" that, about everything...and these are white folks! Is this just a southern thing?

And Saon threw this slang phrase at me last night that I had never heard, even in the three years I lived in "da hood" in Lawrence. It was a rather crude reference to male genitalia. I said something like, "Oh for God's sake, Saon," when he told me what it meant after I questioned what it was. He just laughed that crazy laugh of his, then he apologized. I think the question was asked of me because Saon's cousin was in the same room. His cousin also wanted to know about me, in terms of breast size. When Saon told him my oldest child was 19, his response was, "how old is she?" Saon, to his credit, said nothing, but once he was off the phone, I'm sure he told his cousin my age and everything else about me.

I can't judge a man by his family, not in this case anyway, because I met Saon first. I liked his niece, Jamie, who lives in Picayune, but even she is a little rough around the edges. I guess, if I move to New Orleans, I'll meet some of these people, then I'll have a better idea of what I am dealing with.

For now, I just can't believe that members of Saon's family would want to see one of their own out in the streets to fend for himself. Would they do that to any member of the family, or is it reserved for Saon for some twisted reason? I mean, the same blood runs thru his veins as it does theirs. Blood may be thicker than water, but I guess it depends on whose blood we're talking about.

They are all related to the main man, Saon's grandfather, after whom Saon was named.

Just what kind of man was "grandpere", anyway?

I hope to find that out someday soon.

Gotta jump...MorelaterZ--