
Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Well, this is just great (not!)

Mom's phone got shut off. She practically blamed me for it because the part of the bill she didn't pay was the collect calls I made from Louisiana. I was (and still am) royally pissed off, because now if someone wants to hire me, they can't even get me on the phone! If I weren't using the computers at the library, I'd be up that foul smelling estuary without means of propulsion.

I am totally frustrated by my prospects for gainful employment. There was a job fair in downtown OKC yesterday, but I couldn't go because I didn't have the gas to get there, or the money to park in one of the garages...but Mom found money to buy cigarettes!

Then I got a letter from one of the places I'd applied to saying, in effect, that they hired a better candidate, and thanks for my interest. I don't need that, I need a freakin' job!

I gotta get out of Oklahoma. I don't belong here. I'd rather be anywhere else but here. I had this fantasy that I just kept driving til I got somewhere and just started a new life wherever I ended up. Then reality kicked in and I realized that I need money to do that!

I need help. Online job posting boards are a huge joke! What do I have to do, work at 7-11 or something???

If that's what it takes...but I so want to get out of here!
