
Sunday, July 13, 2003

If you would just shut the fuck up for five seconds...

I swear, I think my ex, Jon, loves the sound of his own voice. He doesn't listen to anything anyone but him says. Just look at the following example:

Stef: Is Jeff there?
Jon: blah blah blah about what he's doing
Stef: Jon, is Jeff there?
Jon: blah blah blah about someone at karaoke that I don't know but Jon thinks I should
Jon: Uh, um, no...haven't seen him.

See what I mean? I had to ask him three times if Jeff (my buddy JC) was at karaoke. This doesn't sound like a guy whose grandmother just died!

It's all about Jon. Always has been, always will be. Dude, you're 43 years old-- grow the fuck up will ya?

End Rant.
