
Thursday, July 17, 2003

I really need to move the car...

But not until I finish this.

Joey was here again today. He is such a good baby. He is teething now, and so he wasn't at his best today, but he was smiling and laughing and cooing. He saves his fussiness for his mother, I guess.

God, my life is so boring! I need to do something to spice up my life. But what? It's not like when I was in Mass. and there wasn't anyone around that I could embarrass but me, but here...*sigh*. My mother, my kids, my sister...I feel like I have to be better than good, and that frustrates me. I just want to be me. I'm not so stupid that I can't control myself when it comes to certain things. As long as I live in my mother's house, there are things that I cannot do. I'm used to coming and going as I please, but now, I have to tell my mom where I'm going and when I expect to be back. This is worse than living at home when I was a teenager. I'm nearly 40 years old for cryin out loud!

Ewww..."nearly 40"...don't even wanna go there. I certainly don't feel like I'm that old. Thirty wasn't so bad. Forty is going to be rough.
