
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Snxxx (that's supposed to be what snoring looks like in print?)

Stayed up too late reading the new copy of The Sun Magazine I got in the mail yesterday. But I fell asleep easier. That's always nice.

I woke up later, still dark outside, and made a disturbing discovery.

New neighbors moved into the apartment next to me that had the fire right after Easter about two weeks ago. Last night, I could hear one of them snoring away on the other side of the wall from my bedroom.

And, they snore rather loudly if I can hear it thru the damned wall!

Not like my maternal grandmother, who in her later years snored like a frieght train (maybe some sleep apena going on there, I don't know). I could be on the other end of the house sleeping, and it would be like she's sleeping in the same room.

My dad snored. Saon snored. Marc even snored when he was real little, because he got sick everytime the weather changed (thankfully, he's outgrown that at 13 years old). The only person's snoring that really bothered me was Jon's, because he insists to this day that he doesn't snore. Not even kicking him in the middle of the night got him to stop.

I probably snore, but then I can't hear myself when I'm sleeping.

The snoring doesn't really bother me, because eventually, I'll get used to it. But if I'm not living in your apartment, I don't really want to hear it.

But, if you're sleeping in my bed and you snore, I'll miss it when you're gone.

That's all from where I sit.


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