
Thursday, May 03, 2007

It's a matter of trust...

I am too damn nice for my own good.

And it comes back, time and again, to bite me on the butt.

I want to trust that people are going to do/say/act the way they say they are, and not pull a fast one on me. While they're getting a big laugh out of it, I'm the one who looks bad.

If you're going to call/visit/email me at a certain time, then call/visit/email me at that time. You made a committment to me, and I expect a result, or a damn good reason why it didn't get done. "Just because..." doesn't cut it with me; neither does "I forgot..."

My father taught me that a person is only as good as their word. If you ain't gonna do it for whatever reason, don't tell me you are.

When I give my word, I follow through with it. If extenuating circumstances keep me from fulfilling my word, then I will call/email/ get in contact somehow with an explanation. I often arrive places well ahead of the scheduled time, because I gave my word I'd be there. Unless I am at death's door (i.e. in the hospital), or one of my kids or my mother is seriously ill, I'll be there.

Back to trust for a sec. I trusted a lot of the wrong people in my lifetime, and that's something I'm not particularly proud of. I can name three people off the top of my head that I shouldn't have trusted, but did anyway.

When you give me your word (or vow, or promise, or whatever), I expect results. Period. You want to earn my trust? Keep your word. Don't lie to me. Don't tell me what I want to hear, tell me what I NEED to hear. Don't sugarcoat things. Be honest. Be faithful. Be someone I can count on. Be a true friend.

This is what I try to be every single day of my life. You can trust me. Can I trust you?

Prove it.

That's all from where I sit.


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