
Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Master of the one line email returns...

This man slays me.

I haven't seen him since he evicted me out of my apartment in Lawrence, Massachusetts in December of 2002 in a jealous fit (because I was giving all my attention to Saon and not him), and he still sees fit to keep in sporadic contact with me.

It started with me sending out a mass email right after New Year's in 2006, hoping everyone would have a good year (there were actually two mass emails, then ones I sent to friends here in OK). I didn't expect to hear from Paul ever again.

Lo and behold, in October of '06, he sends me an email asking when I'm coming back to the area (Lawrence and the surrounding areas). I replied that I probably wouldn't be back in the foreseeable future. I had just returned to Oklahoma from Wyoming at that point. I gave him my cell phone number, not expecting him to call (he didn't call when I lived 5 miles away, why would he call now?).

Still nothing from him. So back toward the end of February, I was going thru some old emails, and found the one I sent him in October. I discovered that I had inadvertantly given him the wrong cell phone number (I combined the one I had in Wyoming with an old one I had here), and wrote to give him the correct number (again, not expecting him to call), and to explain that I had gone back to school for a Broadcasting degree.

Today... out of the clear blue sky, here's another email from him (he probably doesn't check his email all that much). Today he says this:

When you come to the area...let me know... :) so we can play.

Oh, right, Paul... I'm going to drop everything and book a trip to New Hampshire just because.

It's nice that he thinks of me every once in a blue moon. But the way I look at is this-- if he hadn't kicked me out on my ass nearly four and a half years ago, I would have never come to Oklahoma. I wouldn't have the friends I have now, and I wouldn't be near my boys. So Paul actually did me a favor.

If I find myself in Massachusetts and/or southern New Hampshire, I will look him up. Just out of curiousity more than anything else. And I told him that.

But for right now, my life is here.

That's all from where I sit.


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