
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Don't bother to fix your hair, because once you step outside, it won't matter anyhow

And I didn't. The forecast called for rain. Looks like we aren't going to get any. Wind, we have in spades.

I went out and ran errands this morning, and stopped off at Mickey D's for a quick bite. After what seemed like the entire population of Tinker Air Force Base came in for lunch, I noticed this girl, maybe 11-12 years old wearing a shirt that said "Carl Albert Titans, Classs of 2013" with some signatures and graphics.

Now if I did my math right, the members of the class of 2013 are currently in the sixth grade! What's the big bleepin' hurry here? Marc is in the class of 2012, but c'mon, he's in seventh grade. It's not like he's going to high school next year...

I still have to contend with the class of 2009 (Scott's class).

There was this demented hornet (not a basketball player. That would be, of course, a Hornet)flying around outisde my apartment window. He's hit the window three times now. Maybe he thinks that my webcam is something to polinate. After all, today IS the first full day of Spring.

Personally, the webcam looks like a big eyeball.

But hell, it was free, so I shouldn't complain.

That's all from where I sit.


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