
Monday, July 04, 2005

Attack of the June Bugs

And they're late!

After spending the majority of the daylight hours at my sister's, we all caravanned over to UCO to see the fireworks display they hold there each year.

It was around 8pm when we arrived and set up our "camp" in the grassy area adjacent to the parking lot accessable from 2nd Street, We brought drinks and snacks and chairs, and it was really nice weather-wise.

As it grew dark, the fireflies and June Bugs were out in force. June Bugs are really dumb (Jeff called them the pigeons of the insect world), but that didn't stop Tori from shooing them away with a shreek every time one got near her.

And Joe was on all night. He ran everywhere, usually with someone over the age of 6 (and under the age of 75) chasing after him. Dean took all the kids for a walk (except Daniel, who went off on his own), and Tori, Mom and I stayed behind. Dean and company returned later, and had bought all kinds of cheap doo-dads for Scott, Marc and Amalia to play with.

There were several vendors who were selling those glowing necklaces for $3 a pop, and Dean bought all the younger kids one of those each, too.

Finally, around 10pm, the lights in the parking lot went out and the fireworks began. They were every good and lasted about 20-25 minutes. Joe was pointing and clapping at the pretty colors in the sky, and Amalia was very cranky because she was tired.

However, it took about an hour to get out of the parking lot, but once we got out, we found a quick way out of the crush of cars and went home.

And that's all from where I sit.
