
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Okay, you can shut off the rain now!

The rain is crazy around here! It's just now calming down out there, but there for a while, it was coming down in buckets! We've had more rain in the last week and a half than I think we had all of last year.

The bugs will be brutal this summer. I.can't.wait.

I had the first of four final exams this morning. I don't think I did as well as I thought I could. I hope it won't bring my GPA down too much.

Let's see how I do on the other three before I panic. I have two on Monday and one Wednesday. Then I get a few days off before the summer session begins.

I think I will celebrate by sleeping. Seriously, that's the only way I'll ever get caught up on the sleep I've been losing the last couple of weeks.

Time for a snack. I didn't realize how hungry I am.

That's all from where I sit.


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