
Saturday, November 06, 2004

Henry "The Bull" Del Toro

I wonder whatever happended to "The Bull" after I left Norfolk in 1999?

What reminded me of him after so long is that I heard the song, "Cocaine" by Eric Clapton on the local classic rock station today. Some years ago, Henry Del Toro and his morning show partner Tommy Griffiths ("Tommy and The Bull", WNOR-FM99, Norfolk, VA), did a parody of this song called "Cobain" after the suicide of the Nirvana frontman in 1994. Part of the lyrics were, he's all right, he's all right, he's all right...NOT! Cobain.

Last I heard, Del Toro had been busted for forging prescriptions for Vicodin to feed an addiction after a car accident he was in years before. FM99 fired his ass and he ended up at another station several months later on a part time basis. He even got fired from that station as well, though my memory's kinda fuzzy on the reasons why.

Meanwhile, Del Toro's former partner, Tommy Griffiths, got a new sidekick named Rick Rumble (and became "Tommy and Rumble").

Hell, I even got FM99 stickers on my car (the Beretta that is currently non operational) from 1999!

Hannie might know this. She keeps up on stuff like that much better than I do! When I left Norfolk in 99, I was glad to leave. I had lived there for eleven years and I'd had enough.

I guess I could go to WNOR's website, that is if I could remember right off hand what the addy was...

Lord, has it really been over five years since I left Norfolk? It seems like a lifetime ago...

2/25/05: Okay, for those of you who have written to tell me what happened to Henry, thanks, but I did find out soon after I originally posted this. He died in 2002, I believe, of heart failure possibly brought on by his abuse of painkillers. He was a very talented, but troubled, man. He let his demons get the best of him, and that ultimately led to his untimely death. I pray that he is finally at peace.

In other ramblings:

Check out the latest from my referrer's list--

Google Search: la vida loca
Google: mi vida loca
Google: polar express, sneak previews, norfolk, va
Google: vida loca
Google: bush..kerry..cartoons
MSN Search: vida loca -- More Useful Everyday
Google: my ex husband's a jerk <=====This one! AOL Web Search: Results for "Vida Loca"
Google: la vida loca

Do you have any idea how many websites are found under this search? Thousands of them! I had to clarify it further to find my website on that listing. I guess every woman with an ex husband thinks he's a jerk, or at least those who write about it on the internet! I know my ex husband is a jerk! LOL

