
Monday, August 16, 2004

Ha! I can relate to this!

For those of you who don't have your blog through Blogger, this article recently appeared on their site. It makes so many points about the common mistakes that people make when writing posts. Now, I'm sure I've made some of these mistakes at one time or another, so I can't say that I am perfect by any means, but bad punctuation, grammar and spelling gets my goat. I've read books, magazines and newspapers with all of the above, but I blame that on the copywriter or the editor rather than on the author. Hopefully, the author has his or her shit together, and can spell and punctuate well enough to get his/her point across.

Once upon a time, I knew all the minutia of proper grammar usage, but when you don't routinely refer to dangling participles and gerunds and virgules (oh, my!), you kind of forget what they're called. I probably dangle participles on a regualr basis for all I know.

The thing that really bugs me though, is the misuse of words like "their", "there", and "they're"; "to", "too", and "two", etc. My favorite misuse of the word "too" is when someone says it's "to hot to think," or a similar phrase. I have to call upon my willpower not to correct someone who misuses words or punctuation or grammar. I realize that not everyone is as anal about it as I seem to be, or have had the same level of education I had.

But you don't have to take my word for it. Ask your (or your child's) English teacher.
