
Thursday, May 27, 2004

Little comfort here...

I don't believe this.

Check this out (italicized text mine): the draft issue has largely come to public attention due to pair of bills introduced in Congress (S.89 and H.R.163) which seek to obligate all citizens and residents of the U.S. beween the ages of 18 and 26 (both male and female) to perform a two-year period of national service (not necessarily as part of the military), and the Selective Service's advertising for volunteers to man draft boards around the country. However, both the Congressional bills were introduced back in January 2003 and have languished in committee ever since.

Additionally: Since a reimposition of conscription would require Congressional approval, which has not yet been given, it is unlikely that a draft (even if approved by Congress) would be underway as early as Spring 2005:

And even if the draft were reinstated tomorrow, it would take at least two years before it could produce additional soldiers for Iraq and Afghanistan, the experts say.

"It will take 193 days from the time that we get started until the first person is presented to the Department of Defense," said Alyce Burton, a spokeswoman for the Selective Service. It would then take a year and a half to two years to train the draftees and form them into new combat units, Krepinovich said.

So there's good news (the Draft probably won't be reactivated for a while, if ever); and bad news (that there are bills in committee to do just that). The gist of this is, there's not really anything for me to get all worked up over, that my Draft age sons are safe for the time being.

Personally, I think the present system the military has, an all volunteer force, is best. People serving now want to be there. If there were a Draft, then they'd get guys like Daniel who don't want to be there and believe we are in a war we cannot win that was started under rather dubious circumstances (got WMD's?). Daniel told me once that if he were drafted, then he'd file for concientious objector status, so that tells me right there that my son would not want to be forced to participate in a conflict that he believes is bogus.

But, read the article and judge for yourself.
