
Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Lean on me...

Saon called me this evening. He's leaving Hutch, but he doesn't know where he is going to go. Things there have gone from bad to worse. Apparently, Michele has taken up with another man, and is flaunting it in front of Saon. She told him that she wanted to work things out with him, then she does a 180 and is willingly at the "beck and call" of this other guy (when he says jump, she asks how high). They may be sleeping together for all I know. I do know that she and her husband are not. Also, Michele's just gotten out of a mental health facility, though Saon didn't elaborate as to the reason(s) why she was there.

Saon swears that it's really over this time (something he's told me before), because Michele has hurt him for the last time. He's afraid if he does stay in Hutch, that someone is either going to get hurt or killed or put in jail, and he fears it might be him. He doesn't want to take that chance, because he has things he wants to do with his life, and staying there isn't the best thing for him to do. He says he can't go home to New Orleans because no one would take him in and he'd be on the streets. He's been there, done that, and he doesn't want to be in that position again.

He told me that he would sign the divorce papers that Michele gave him last month, just so he can end this sad, frustrating and painful chapter in his life. He swore that he would never give Michele another chance to tear his heart out again.

He knows he has to leave. He needs to find someone who will take his dog, because he can't afford the plane fare to have him shipped. He doesn't want to take the dog to the animal shelter, because he fears that no one will adopt a pit bull and the dog would be put down. Saon has a lot of money tied up in that dog, and I know he doesn't want to get rid of Blue, but Saon may not have any choice.

In the nearly two years since we met, both of our lives have been a roller coaster ride. Maybe we'll have a better chance if we stick together than if we were trying to go it alone (the whole is greater than the sum of its parts?). We were brought together for a reason, maybe this is it. He knows how I feel about him, and I am beginning to believe again that he feels the same about me. Only time will tell. Right now, Saon needs a friend, and he took the first step by calling me.

Lord, I want to be there for him. I leave it to You. Guide me as to the right thing to do.
