
Friday, May 07, 2004

As of today, 2 weeks til Graduation...

and my ex has decided that he is not coming. He says that there is no one at his (new) job that would be able to fill in for him even for a couple of days.

C'mon, man, this is your kid's freakin' high school graduation! This one's actually going to college in August! You came to the graduation of the older kid who has frittered away the last two years of his life, but you can't come to this kid's?

Hell, I didn't take a temp job because they couldn't guarantee I'd have May 21st off, and there was no way in hell I was going to miss it!

Don't bother coming to any of the kids milestone celebrations... I knew you'd find a way not to be here.

Now I gotta tell Jeff. I honestly don't know how he'll take this. I know he'll say he doesn't care, but inside he'll be crushed, I fear.

Lord, I really want to strangle that man right now...
