
Friday, April 30, 2004

In the middle of freakin' Tornado Alley...

why would anyone in their right mind live in a mobile home??? Tornadoes pick those things up like twigs and throw them across the landscape. So, what's wrong with this sentence: "I live in Oklahoma in a mobile home park."

About (hmmm) 16 years ago, my family (me, my ex, and our two oldest sons) rented a mobile home in Augusta, Georgia while Jon was stationed at Fort Gordon. I got nervous every time the wind blew hard. I swore when we moved out that I would never, ever live in one again. And I haven't. I'd rather live with my mother than live in a mobile home. C'mon, mobile homes in Oklahoma are just asking for trouble. There must be some secret to it, because people do live in them here, but what is it? Watch the weather a lot and when a tornado is heading your way, run like hell?

That's too much worry for me. I'd rather get into the bathtub with a mattress over my head.

I've lived through a couple of pretty intense hurricanes. I can handle those. Tornadoes scare the shit outta me.
