
Sunday, April 18, 2004

I don't want to get off on a rant here

(you've been warned)

Jon is really starting to piss me off. Has he totally forgotten what it was like to be unemployed and no one will hire you? Apparently he has, because all he could say during our most recent conversation was "keep looking" it was just that easy. He also suggested that I bug Dean about a doctor who would be willing to see me without getting paid...I know that's not going to happen because I've asked and there isn't. Running a medical practice is a friggin business, and if doctors saw every poor relation of a colleague, they'd be broke. Jon doesn't seem to friggin get it!

I asked if he'd gotten his settlement, and he said not to ask him again, because he said that when he paid his obligations, then he'd send me what's left. He and I both know what will be left: NOTHING! He'll spend all that money on himself. That's his M.O. If it's good for Jon then everyone and everything else can go to hell on a sled. He has convienently forgotten how I was the only one working when it was him who was unemployed, and I had to give him money. Now he's got money coming, and it's payback time, baby! He used my parents as a free bank for years, and as far as my mother is concerned, he owes her close to $50k. We have a hard enough time just getting him to pay child support!

If he backs out on his promise to help me with my little problem with my Drivers License, I hope he doesn't have the balls to show up here in OK expecting to be welcomed with open arms.

I'm not least I don't think so, but after all I did for him when he was in the position I'm in now, I think he needs to help me out. The whole time I was married to him, it was always him first and me and the kids second. As long as he got what he wanted, he frankly didn't care if we didn't have what we needed, be it groceries, clothes or rent.

Greedy, no. Bitter, hell yeah. How dare he tell me to "keep looking". What does he think I've been doing for the last 15 months? If I can't find work, I don't get paid; if I don't get paid, I can't pay for the things I need (like to see doctors). He's turned into a real asshole as of late.

All this is draining me. If I had the strength, I'd kick his ass. Literally.

/end rant
