Tuesday, February 28, 2006
About Me
- Name: Stef
- Location: Oklahoma City Metro Area, Oklahoma, United States
It's just me, being me, and everything that being me entails...My life. My way. Any questions?

Previous Posts
- I wish I didn't know what I know
- Hmmm... maybe's he's right
- I guess it's not going to happen
- Surprise!
- What's this? An upset stomach?
- See, I come by this honestly!
- I'm an idiot
- Someone pass the Tylenol, please...
- Dan, Jeff, and Stephanie starring in Cobalts On Ice
- Happy Birthday, Amalia!
What Say You? Live Chat Room now open!

Check me out!

Hurricane Katrina Relief
Who's Lookin'
Who's lookin' right now:

Link This!
- Froogle Wish List
- Google News
- My 43Things. What are yours?
- My birthday is the same day as theirs!
- Write Here, Write Now: the writings of The Rebel Redhead
- Blogger
- The Ageless Project
- Who Links Here?
The current iMood of Tank's Grrl is

Right now, the temperature is:

Terror Alert Level
Enjoy your stay, and make sure your seatbelt is securely fastenend and keep all body parts in the vehicle at all times. Gotta jump...see yaz!Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
interesting tidbits
- Free Scott Speicher U.S. Navy pilot shot down over Iraq in 1991, during Operation Desert Storm. It is now believed that he is alive and being held prisoner in Iraq. Join the effort to help bring Captain Speicher home!
- Intuit Design Incredibly talented in many facets of art and music. Go see what he's capable of doing for you and/or your business.
- American Broadcasting School The number one way of entering broadcasting. Training broadcast professionals since 1970. Click on the link for more information about starting a broadcasting career!
- Sports
- Weather
on the reading list
Intimate Enemies: The Two Worlds of the Baroness de Pontalba --Christina Vella
Treasure of Khan --Clive Cussler with Dirk Cussler
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings --Maya Angelou
Reign in Hell --William Diehl
in the cd player
Stand Still, Look Pretty --The Wreckers
Love, Pain and the Whole Crazy Thing --Keith Urban
Photographs and Memories --Jim Croce
on the tube
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition --Sundays, 8pm ET, ABC
Crossing Jordan --Wednesdays, 9pm ET, NBC
Heroes --Mondays, 9pm ET, NBC
Medium --Wednesdays, 10pm ET, NBC
My Name is Earl --Thursdays, 8pm ET, NBC
The O'Reilly Factor --Weeknights, 8pm ET, Fox News Channel (FNC)
Some Blogs of Note...
(Blogs with >> << have been updated during the previous 12 hours)
Blogroll Me!

Mi vida loca, over and over/ Destiny turns on a dime/ I go where the wind blows/ can't tame a wild rose/ welcome to my crazy life
My blogger code: B9 d- t k+ s+ u-- f i- o+ x-- e l c- (decode it!)
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