
Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Something I should try to do before too long

In light of Daniel's and Vincent's hospital stays, I probably should think about trying to give blood again.

I was reading Selfish? Yes. over on Samantha Burns' site about blood donations (not by her, she'd like to keep hers, thanks), and that got me thinking.

I tried donating blood a couple of times after Katrina (that bitch) hit the Gulf Coast, but was told both times I couldn't because I was "slightly" anemic. Need to eat more iron rich foods, they told me. I eat salads and spinach regularly, and other things I didn't realize were iron rich, but I'm still not able to give blood.

At about this time, I was trying to persuade others to give blood, and a lot of them got all "no way!" about the whole idea. Not even free cookies and soda convinced them to go ahead with it. I've got a common blood type (O+) anyway, so I figured why not. Then I was told I was anemic. Great.

Weird thing is, my dad had trouble with that too. He ate all kinds of veggies, except cucumbers and brussel spouts (at least I didn't see him eat any). I think he and I had the same blood type. After a certain age you can't donate any more, but by that time, Dad was needing blood for his hip surgery in 96, and not too keen on giving any more away.

And my sister has such a rare blood type that while she was in college, she got called every 56 days on the dot asking her to donate.

If you want, go give blood. If you don't, or can't, then don't. I'm just going to try again soon.

Bring on the spinach salad, y'all! Anemic, me? Pshaw!

And that's all from where I sit.
