
Monday, September 20, 2004

Color me "exhausted"

Even more so than usual because I went to the Oklahoma State Fair on Sunday.

We all had a good time and did lots of things I can't think of right now. I can tell you that Amalia held a 2 day old baby chick and Joey was cranky because he has more teeth coming in.

And this "exhaustion," on top of the exhaustion I feel on a daily basis, is making it very hard to fall asleep, because I cannot relax enough to drop off into the Land of Nod. Oh. Joy.

I did manage to make it all day at the fair, though. I was really tired there at the end, but I think that is mainly because it was so damned hot! I'm paying for it now, but it was worth it! I got to spend time with all the boys at once (even though Scott and his constantly running motormouth was starting to get on my nerves. One can only ask a thirteen year old boy to please stop talking long enough to breathe only so many times!) .

Throughout the entire day, I thought constantly about Saon. I hope everything is okay down there in the N.O.

I better get to bed now. Perchance to actually fall asleep and dream.
