
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

How can you sit there and tell me you're a lesbian ponytail bandit who met Mary-Kate Olsen at rehab & played on Jeopardy with Ken Jennings?

Let's see someone find THAT in a Google search! [insert evil laugh here]

So sorry you are disappointed that you didn't find what you were searching on Google, Yahoo!, Hotbot, Sir Search, AOL, and Ask Jeeves for. I did this as a joke on all of you who are looking for the bizarre and more often than not get it because I can. If you're looking for the Ponytail Bandit, he's in jail in New Orleans; Mary-Kate Olsen is getting herself together, so just leave the girl alone; Martha Stewart may weigh 275 lbs, but she's more than likely going to jail. If you're looking for dirty pictures, you won't find them here, unless you want the pictures that got ruined in the basement of the apartment on Lucile Avenue in Norfolk, Virginia in 1997. And I don't have those anymore.

Redheads rock...Tank's Grrl said so.

[the preceeding ramblings contain humor...fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.]
